Edward Johnson lived on the property next to ours while I was growing up. He was a quirky odd guy. Not in the sense that he was scary, just different. Even as a kid I called him "Eddie" by his choice. He was born around 1900. I never could exactly find out. He became a prospector and had apparently staked claims all over nothern Ontario. Eventually he stopped prospecting because he was having a hard time getting around. I remember he had a rolling sort of walk like one leg didn't work that well. Whether he spent time in the war , I don't know. He never gave up much about himself to my parents or me. I do know that at one time he had been married and had had a son. By the time I got to meet him he seemed old. That's normal from a child's point of view.
I would regularly see him going to his well with a bucket. I recall that his place always faintly smelled of the kerosene he used for lighting. He did have a telephone. Occasionally he would call my father and ask if he could get him some whiskey - his drink of choice. I think it was Wild Turkey or some such brand. At that age I didn't really pay attention to things like that. When my dad would deliver it to him they would sit and talk and have a shot or two. He seemed to really like my parents. I know that often they would walk over to his little place and sit and talk. My mother remembers that he would offer her a drink from grimy shot glasses. She figured that the whiskey would probably kill anything on the glass, so she accepted.
He had had a cat before I had ever met him called Useless. He also had a dog, a happy black and white mut named Nameless. Eddie had a curmudgionly sense of humour!
Eventually he moved into a tiny near by town and lived in the hotel. A hotel in that part of Ontario is also a euphamism for bar. He spent his time in his room and in the bar. He was always a fixture there while I was growing up. If I went by his place I would stop and talk. I found him interesting and I think he enjoyed that.
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